Archive for February, 2006

Cheaters Beware – Party Poker Makes $180,000 Bust

There is, no doubt, alot of cheating online. And most of it will go undiscovered and unpunished. But, Party Poker made a huge move recently when they confiscated $180,000 from this cheater. Read his version of the story and cry a crocodile tear for him. Poor guy…(sarcasm, folks).

Holdem Genius Online Poker Tool

This is an online poker tool that is very helpful, especially for Limit Holdem games. You can download Holdem Genius for FREE. In order to get a license/key and run the application, you will need to open an account with one of the online poker sites that Holdem Genius promotes. Once you have established an account with one of these sites, however, you can use Holdem Genius at any of the online poker sites that the program supports, and that includes virtually all of the major sites. We use this program all the time for Limit Holdem games, and it WORKS! You know, some of the links and recommendations we post here make us money when you click/buy. This one doesn’t. In fact, this link costs us money, truth be told. Nevermind that, you need to visit this site and download this program.

High Stakes Poker on GSN

This is my new favorite poker show. Televised weekly on Monday nights from the Golden Nugget Casino in downtown Las Vegas, this cash game features top players buying in for $100,000 minimum (sometimes $1 million). The play ranges from too tight to unbelievably loose, and the pots can be anywhere from $2,500 to $350,000+. I feel like I am from a different planet than these guys (and gals) when I watch this show. It is always entertaining, and sometimes amazing to watch. Check it out.

2006 WSOP Champ Hachem Interview

Joe Hachem just looks like a poker champion, doesn’t he? Check out Mike Sexton’s interview with the 2005 WSOP $7.5 million winner in Cardplayer magazine.

Billionaire Andy Beal up $1.25 Million on Brunson & Corporation

Jeff Haney, writing for the Las Vegas Sun, brings us up to date as to the ongoing heads-up matches between billionaire Andy Beal ($20 million of his fortune at stake) and the “Corporation” (Brunson, Brunson, Harman, Chan, Forrest, et al). It seems Mr. Beal got the better of Todd Brunson this week, with a $1.2 million profit after play ended. The article points out that sounds like alot, but when you consider the blinds are $25,000 and $50,000, he really didn’t do all that well…um, hmm.

2005 WSOP Tournament of Champions

Did you catch ESPN’s telecast of the 2005 WSOP Tournament of Champions on Christmas Eve? This is some great television for the poker fan. Crank up the TIVO and grab the next showing. ESPN is running the entire 3 hour telecast here and there, and also individual 1 hour blocks of coverage. Final table action included Hellmuth and Matusow, and they were in prime form, both in terms of their play and their antics. I can’t stand these guys for their behavior, but for some reason I always seem to end up rooting for them to win. Hoyt Corkins was also in the final mix, and since he and Hellmuth already shared some bad blood, that just added more fuel to the final table fire. Check out Cardplayer magazine’s coverage of the tournament, as well as some of the controversy away from the felt.

Poker Stars Pro Screen Names

If you are a Poker Stars player, you may want to keep this list of Pro screen names handy. If you are heads up against Fossilman…well you know who that is. But what about RugDoctor? That would be David Williams, the runner-up to Raymer in the 2004 WSOP main event.

Some others: Butch Acidy – Joe Cassidy; EasyH – Hoyt Corkins; reloadthis – Layne Flack; Evybabee – Evelyn Ng.


I was born a poor black child, but found fame and fortune as a poker player. Now you will usually find me in the big game in Vegas, AC, LA, NYC (on the down doubt). Help yourself to all the good stuff here in my crib. You can cruise on over here whenever you feel like playin, chillin, blingin, bangin, hangin...ya know, whatever? Sense of humor and appreciation for sarcasm & satire are required. Poker Homey...consider this your home away from homey!

Breakin It Down