Archive for June, 2006

Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t Freddie Deeb?

The true identity of the online player known as Fast_Freddie on the Prima Network is in dispute. He claims to be Freddie Deeb. However, beyond dispute is the fact that just a couple of days ago, Fast_Freddie took down the largest online pot in the history of online poker playa whopping $465,451. The player on the losing end of that pot is known as bad_ip.

While Fast_Freddie identified himself as Freddie Deeb during the match, an observer noted and posted at the twoplustwo forum that the “real” Freddie Deeb was being interviewed at the WPT in Paris, France at the same time the online match was being played…so I guess only Freddie really knows.

The hand history is given below. Presumably, both players flopped trip aces, but when the hand was over, bad_ip mucked his hand, so nobody really knows the losing hand except bad_ip. Interestingly enough, bad_ip was also involved in the previous record-high online pot, which was for $357, 256 and was played against I_Grind_on_u.

Dealing Cards to Players
bad_ip raises to $1,200
Fast_Freddie raises to $4,000
bad_ip calls for $3,000

Dealing the Flop(7cAhAc)

Fast_Freddie bets $8,000
bad_ip raises for $16,000
Fast_Freddie raises for $32,000
bad_ip calls for $24,000
The Turn is Dealt (5s)
Fast_Freddie bet for $74,000
bad_ip goes all in for $188,326
Fast_Freddie calls $114,326
Dealing the river(Kc)
Fast_Freddie shows Trip Aces
bad_ip mucks hand
Fast_Freddie wins $465,451 with Trip Aces

They’re Mad as Hell and They’re Not Going to Take it Anymore!!!

I love this story about some very dangerous poker players in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina who got busted in a raid on their little poker game. Twenty were arrested, and four of them plead guilty to violation of a law enacted in 1802 which makes games of cards and dice illegal…all games of cards and dice…ALL GAMES OF CARDS AND DICE!

The other sixteen criminals have dug in their heels and are pleading not guilty, in protest of a law that just begs to be revisited.
“The law was basically set in place way back in 1802 because of the morality of the times,” said Robert Chimento, who pleaded not guilty during an appearance in town court Tuesday. The law as written, he said, makes even the child’s game Chutes and Ladders illegal. “Times have changed … and this law needs to be changed,” Chimento said.

…This just in, SWAT team members have been seen storming Miss Lulu’s Happy Hands Childcare Center in nearby Ruh Roh, South Carolina after having received a tip from a reliable source that numerous children (rough looking all, with peanut butter smeared faces and terribly sticky fingers) were alledgedly involved in a high stakes game of “Guess Who”. We at Pokerhomey have questions about the validity of this raid, however, since the “cards” used in this game are actually contained in little flip-up plastic frames, and as such, may not qualify as dangerous and evil. Details at Eleven…

But seriously, it will be interesting to see if this case moves the SC legislature to revisit this law. Until then, the residents of Mt. Pleasant, SC can rest easy, knowing that their law enforcement officials are on the case…(Barney snorts confidently, hitches up his gun belt, checks to see if his bullet is still present in his left hip pocket…just in case).


I was born a poor black child, but found fame and fortune as a poker player. Now you will usually find me in the big game in Vegas, AC, LA, NYC (on the down doubt). Help yourself to all the good stuff here in my crib. You can cruise on over here whenever you feel like playin, chillin, blingin, bangin, hangin...ya know, whatever? Sense of humor and appreciation for sarcasm & satire are required. Poker Homey...consider this your home away from homey!

Breakin It Down