phantommask162×245.jpgOK, OK, truth be told, I am not a gang-banger; I don’t have any bling; I wouldn’t know how to wrap a doo-rag around my noggin if I had to. The Poker Homey is just a character I created, an alter-ego…my flip side…with a little edge. Me, I got no edges. I mean, my real name is Kevin…have you ever met a Kevin who was edgy? Didn’t think so.

So the Poker Homey and I, together, will bring you an irreverant take on all things poker, and some things that have nothing to do with poker whatsoever, but that happen to make me and Homey laugh, cringe, or rant.

Oh, I should also tell you that I really am a good poker player…Kevin is really good, that is.

Homey, on the other hand, well he is a total donk! I mean, just look at him! What a goof!

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I was born a poor black child, but found fame and fortune as a poker player. Now you will usually find me in the big game in Vegas, AC, LA, NYC (on the down doubt). Help yourself to all the good stuff here in my crib. You can cruise on over here whenever you feel like playin, chillin, blingin, bangin, hangin...ya know, whatever? Sense of humor and appreciation for sarcasm & satire are required. Poker Homey...consider this your home away from homey!

Breakin It Down