Archive for the 'Articles' Category

Skill, Chance, or Both?

London jurors are considering the game of Poker in terms of whether it is one of skill or chance, in order to determine the fate of a Pub owner who sponsored a poker game in his establishment across the pond. If the pub owner’s defense team can convince the court that the game is purely one of skill rather than chance, their hope is that he will be found not guilty of holding a gambling event without proper licensure. If, indeed, his defense is truly based on the argument that poker is entirely a game of skill, then I believe his legal strategy is overly simplistic, and that this chap had better get ready for an unfavorable verdict.

Any seasoned poker player knows that the game of poker is heavily affected by the “chance” or random fall of the cards. However, the best players also know that they make their money by using skillful play to minimize the negative effect of the randomness of the cards, while maximizing the positive effect of same. Anyone who denies the role of “chance” in poker is just plain wrong. BUT…anyone who denies the central roll of skill in poker, well, they are a sucker, and I have a nice comfortable chair available for them right here next to me at the poker table.

There is, however, a world of difference between poker and other casino “games of chance”, which is why there are millions of poker players who walk right past the slots and table games every time they make their way to the casino poker room. Like many poker players, I don’t give a second thought to putting money into any of those “house” games, because I KNOW that long term, if i do, then I lose, since long term the “house” wins.

On the other hand, I KNOW just as surely that long term, any money I put into poker brings me a positive return. And I know that this is true from years of study, practice, experience, and disciplined play. I know it because like other good players, I have learned to master the randomness of the cards through skillful play.

Interestingly, the U.S. courts have, in the past, recognized this distinction between poker and other forms of gambling due to the skill required in the game. And this issue is front and center once again here in the U.S., as lending institutions, legislators, lobbyists, poker sites, players, et al deal with the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act which was passed in late 2006.

There has been so much frantic reaction to the legislation, that the facts of the matter are often times missed. While various forces seek to have the game of poker excluded from the UIGEA legislation, based on the argument that it is a game of skill (tempered by chance, if the truth be told), a careful analysis of the legal landscape shows that as far as the courts have previously determined, poker is in all likelihood already excluded from the reaches of this and other related federal law, nevermind the skill/chance argument.

Lt. Colonel John Memory: Bush is a Lousy Poker Player

Isn’t it interesting how poker analogies are appropriate in so many areas of life. One of the books I have enjoyed recently is “Tournament Poker and the Art of War”, which applies the brilliant, ancient military strategies of Sun-Tzu to the game of poker: Ancient war strategies and Poker

Here at, I also recently linked to an article in which a retired fund manager from Bermuda listed some reasons why free-market libertarian minded thinkers should embrace the game of poker: Free market economy and Poker

Well, now we have Lt. Colonel John Memory laying into President George W. Bush for playing a miserable game of “poker” in Iraq and Afghanistan. You may judge for yourself how well Bush has played the “game”, but the Light Colonel does a good job of employing the poker analogy to the ongoing struggle. Life and death…and Poker

Postscript – May 18, 2006

I found out last night that another young man from our community here was just killed in Iraq. I was one of his little league coaches years ago. As a youngster on our team, he was a delightful, sweet kid. He went on to be a fine kicker on the West Monroe HS football team. He was the third young man from West Monroe High School to die in Iraq. His name was Lee Deal.

For all the Freedom Loving Libertarian Poker Players

Lew Rockwell is a well known Libertarian (at least he’s well known among Libertarians) with a website that is just as well known, Even if you are not a Libertarian, you really should check out his site, because you will find articles there which, if nothing else, will challenge your brain well beyond anything you will read in the newspaper on a given day.

This article, The Merits of Poker, just appeared on his website, written by a successful (retired) fund manager and resident of Bermuda. The article does a good job of espousing six reasons why poker should appeal to those who believe in a free market economy. It’s really a good article, for you “thinking” poker players out there.


I was born a poor black child, but found fame and fortune as a poker player. Now you will usually find me in the big game in Vegas, AC, LA, NYC (on the down doubt). Help yourself to all the good stuff here in my crib. You can cruise on over here whenever you feel like playin, chillin, blingin, bangin, hangin...ya know, whatever? Sense of humor and appreciation for sarcasm & satire are required. Poker Homey...consider this your home away from homey!

Breakin It Down