Archive for the 'Players' Category

Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t Freddie Deeb?

The true identity of the online player known as Fast_Freddie on the Prima Network is in dispute. He claims to be Freddie Deeb. However, beyond dispute is the fact that just a couple of days ago, Fast_Freddie took down the largest online pot in the history of online poker playa whopping $465,451. The player on the losing end of that pot is known as bad_ip.

While Fast_Freddie identified himself as Freddie Deeb during the match, an observer noted and posted at the twoplustwo forum that the “real” Freddie Deeb was being interviewed at the WPT in Paris, France at the same time the online match was being played…so I guess only Freddie really knows.

The hand history is given below. Presumably, both players flopped trip aces, but when the hand was over, bad_ip mucked his hand, so nobody really knows the losing hand except bad_ip. Interestingly enough, bad_ip was also involved in the previous record-high online pot, which was for $357, 256 and was played against I_Grind_on_u.

Dealing Cards to Players
bad_ip raises to $1,200
Fast_Freddie raises to $4,000
bad_ip calls for $3,000

Dealing the Flop(7cAhAc)

Fast_Freddie bets $8,000
bad_ip raises for $16,000
Fast_Freddie raises for $32,000
bad_ip calls for $24,000
The Turn is Dealt (5s)
Fast_Freddie bet for $74,000
bad_ip goes all in for $188,326
Fast_Freddie calls $114,326
Dealing the river(Kc)
Fast_Freddie shows Trip Aces
bad_ip mucks hand
Fast_Freddie wins $465,451 with Trip Aces

Poker Legend Puggy Pearson Dead at 77

Poker Player Newspaper carried this article pertaining to the passing of poker legend Puggy Pearson. Credited with a great degree of the success of No Limit Holdem as a tournament game, Puggy Pearson was also beloved by many (especially the older gang) as one of the more colorful characters in the poker world. As the article points out, however, he wasn’t necessarily a favorite of the dealers. Like many of the other older guys (Doyle Brunson, Amarillo Slim, et al), Puggy Pearson deserves the accolades of millions of poker players who weren’t even born when he and his like were burning up the roads and taking down the big pots.

Billionaire Andy Beal, Meet Badass Phil Ivey

Andy Beal, the Dallas, TX billionaire banker, has been playing heads-up against the “Corporation” (Brunson, Brunson, Harman, Forrest, et al) in Vegas off and on for quite some time now, and Beal has gotten the best of the pros at times. In fact, at one point recently the Corporations’ $10 million buy-in was pretty well soaked up by Beal. Then along came Phil Ivey with a fresh off the shelf can of whupass to open up on Mr. Beal. Can you say $16 million. That is apparently how much Ivey took off Beal before the last match was all wrapped up. Ivey won back the $10 million previously lost by The Corporation and another $6 million for good measure. Word is that Beal had been extended an invitation to the NBC televised National Heads Up Poker Championship prior to the big loss, and Beal wasn’t up to any more poker after getting spanked by Ivey, so he passed on the invite.

Jennifer Tilly – First Things First

Jennifer Tilly has got her act together folks. When faced with a dilemna, this woman makes the right choice. “Let’s see, I can either go to the Oscars in L.A. or play in 2nd Annual National Heads Up Poker Championship in Vegas, hmmmm….Who’s Oscar? I’m playing poker!”

Too bad she busted out (sorry about the pun) in the first round matches, but you know what, as winner of the 2005 WSOP Ladies Poker Event, she beat about 600 other ladies and proved something else. Besides having her priorities right, she’s a fantastic poker player. She ain’t ugly either.

2006 WSOP Champ Hachem Interview

Joe Hachem just looks like a poker champion, doesn’t he? Check out Mike Sexton’s interview with the 2005 WSOP $7.5 million winner in Cardplayer magazine.

Billionaire Andy Beal up $1.25 Million on Brunson & Corporation

Jeff Haney, writing for the Las Vegas Sun, brings us up to date as to the ongoing heads-up matches between billionaire Andy Beal ($20 million of his fortune at stake) and the “Corporation” (Brunson, Brunson, Harman, Chan, Forrest, et al). It seems Mr. Beal got the better of Todd Brunson this week, with a $1.2 million profit after play ended. The article points out that sounds like alot, but when you consider the blinds are $25,000 and $50,000, he really didn’t do all that well…um, hmm.

Poker Stars Pro Screen Names

If you are a Poker Stars player, you may want to keep this list of Pro screen names handy. If you are heads up against Fossilman…well you know who that is. But what about RugDoctor? That would be David Williams, the runner-up to Raymer in the 2004 WSOP main event.

Some others: Butch Acidy – Joe Cassidy; EasyH – Hoyt Corkins; reloadthis – Layne Flack; Evybabee – Evelyn Ng.


I was born a poor black child, but found fame and fortune as a poker player. Now you will usually find me in the big game in Vegas, AC, LA, NYC (on the down doubt). Help yourself to all the good stuff here in my crib. You can cruise on over here whenever you feel like playin, chillin, blingin, bangin, hangin...ya know, whatever? Sense of humor and appreciation for sarcasm & satire are required. Poker Homey...consider this your home away from homey!

Breakin It Down